Thursday, July 28, 2011


Dear World and Media,

When complete strangers write about you and your defaults. I suggest you make sure they have complete and proper documentation.   Not just words gossip, and wrong information for all to read. To ruin human lives and children's future with words should be illegal.. The Duke of  Manchester family has tons of money 9 different trusts.  For some reason we need several trustees. Many in New york we pay. Many in Europe we pay. We pay for all there health insurance they pay nothing for the Manchester family. If the Trust is broke why would we need Trustees?  Tell me why would the trustees work so hard to keep there seat. Why would they fight so hard for the Title to be a Manchester trustee.. The Duke and Duchess of Manchester trustee. 
Why don't they just get another job. We have never seen there credentials. We did not hire any of them.
Put it very simple when your trustees are living better than you are there is something very wrong.

1). Alex and I Laura Montagu are legally Married. We will post our marriage licence on our website.
People are asking to see it after all the Media posts and confusion. The media was in a big hurry The so called broke Duke of Manchester was front page news all over the world. The court case could have been done quietly but someone we are told released a AP and there they all went!!  In a hurry! They couldn't get all  the documented information we gave them so now we are forced to do it ourself.

But, I do not trust anyone with my marriage documentation or future especially trustees and Lawyers I have never met. They never told us when or where the court date for the children was or when?
We will be going to Australia to sign the Paperwork and Remarry just to make sure it is done right. Never trust anyone to do your personal paperwork. 

2.)  Alexander Montagu Manchester The Duke of Manchester has a classified Drivers license. You can not have a drunk driving, No Violations, No Felonies are allowed when you have a class A license.

3). Why did Marion Stoner not get a divorce from Alexander Montagu Manchester if she was in Australia
She said she had reason to want a divorce so why didn't she run to the court house?  Marion Stoner wanted money and she got money to leave. Alex was young he made a mistake. Pure and simple.
Alex Montagus mother Mary Montagu and sister took care of the divorce for him.  He thought he and Marion Stoner were divorced or Annulled.. Alexander met Wendy Buford Montagu dated Wendy got pregnant she was nine months pregnant when they married.  Three months later a child was born.
Alexander Montagu The Duke of Manchester was here in the USA for several years before he met Wendy Buford.  He was in San Fransisco doing charity events and working he had a limo service called Barron extra stretch Limosene service. Alexander Montagu also worked with Michael Jackson 1983 the South African Council of Churches. WAIF, Starlite foundation and more. Many famous people were involved. Alexander Montagu the now 13th Duke of Manchester did not need to get a Green card. When he met Wendy Buford like she tells everyone. Alexander had already been in the States for many years. And very happy.
The tale that he needed to get married to stay in the states is not valid.

4). Alexander the 13th Duke of Manchester worked for Tom Erickson and Christorpher Dale Flannery much older men and not the best men. They hired him as a Car REPO guy he was 19 years old. The company got busted for selling cars illegally and Alex got thrown in Jail with the rest of them. The police wanted information on the men and Alex was to find out and he did.
The police had been watching these men for many years. Alex Montagus charges were all dropped.
We also have the documented information. One again he was 20. The Paperwork that says the exact words charges dropped! 
Alexander Montagu has traveled all over the world and has been to his sisters wedding in Australia with his children in 1999. Many other places around the world. He also has a Diplomatic passport and has a clear record. The Duke of Manchester has worked with the governments and has a good relationship.

5). There is much much more to come....Much more than the press printed and a interview and website documenting many things.  Im holding back for now.  God Bless!